In order to efficiently implement temperature-aware floorplan design and dynamic power and temperature management (DPTM) for multi processor system-on-chip (MPSoC), this paper adopts bottom-up modeling method so as to propose architecture-level MPSoC thermal analysis methods. First equivalent thermal resistances between functional modules were extracted with HotSpot temperature analysis software; then, based on these parameters, we studied three analysis methods with different accuracy and algorithm complexity: block-level temperature analysis method (BloTAM), core-level temperature analysis method (CorTAM) and block improved core temperature analysis method (13iCorTAM). Experimental results show that, comparing to HotSpot, both 131oTAM and BiCorTAM substantially reduce the total consumed time for MPSoC thermal analysis with guarantee of accuracy: speedup higher than 50 times is achieved with average temperature delta error as low as 3%.