紫色特用小麦(Triticum aestivum)新品种农大3753是由中国农业大学农学与生物技术学院选育的,由组合京冬8号/黑小麦76经系谱法选育而成,系谱号为:97冬加(2)-0-1-1-3-3-0。2006年通过北京市品种审定委员会审定。该品种为冬性,籽粒紫色,产量高,富含微量元素,强筋,营养品质和加工品质俱佳。本文详细介绍了农大3753的特点、选育过程和栽培措施,并初步分析了该品种株高低于双亲、加工品质优于双亲的原因,为该品种的推广种植,以及小麦新品种的培育开展提供必要的信息和借鉴。
The new wheat variety(Triticum aestivum) Nongda 3753 with purple pericarp was released by College of agronomy and biotechnology, China Agricultural University. The variety was selected by pedigree method from the cross of "Jingdong 8 / Heixiaomai 76", and the pedigree record was 97 Dongjia (2) -0-1-1-3-3-0: Nongda 3753 was officially approved by Beijjing Crop Variety Approval Committee in 2006. This variety was winter wheat with the features of purple kernel, high yield, high selenium content and strong gluten. This paper described the characters, selection process and cultivation techniques of Nongda 3753. The reasons of the reduced plant height and improved high processing quality of Nongda 3753 were also discussed. This information will be helpful for the promotion of Nongda 3753 and the breeding of new wheat varieties.