Let φ be a proper k-edge coloring of G. For each vertex v∈V(G),set fφ(v)=Σuv∈E(G)φ(uv) ,φ is called ak-neighbor sum distinguishing edge coloring of G if fφ(u)≠fφ(v)for each edge uv E(G). The smallest k such that G has a k-neighbor sum distinguishing edge coloring is called the neighbor sum distinguishing index, denoted by χ'Σ(G)The neighbor sum distinguishing index of a kind of sparse graphs is determined. It is proved that if G is a graph without isolated edges, △≥ 6 and mad (G)≤5/2,then χ'_Σ(G)=Δif and only if G has no adjacent vertices ofmaximum degree.