藻类功能分组(phytoplankton functional classification)以藻种生理生长特征及其环境适应性机制为基础,在藻类生长的C-R-S策略分类基础上,对具有相同适应性特征的藻种进行分组,形成面向藻类集群生态属性的功能组别,便于更直接阐释生境变化对藻类集群的选择机制.本研究尝试将藻类功能分组运用到三峡库区小江(澎溪河)回水区的藻类群落演替中,将2007年5月~2009年4月间的藻类群落划分为26个藻类功能组.对各功能组的季节演替分析发现,J/F/H1/P/LO/LM/B/Y/G/C是小江回水区主要代表性功能组,MP/D/X1/X2/W1/W2等亦较为常见且占较大比重.2 a观测期间,各采样点间藻类功能组的演替序列基本相同,而2个观测整年间的差异较为明显.但若以C-R-S生长策略为基础对功能组季节演替过程进行归纳,发现2个观测年间藻类C-R-S生长策略的季节演替具有重现性:即S/CS型在春季形成优势,夏季汛期易出现CR/CS频繁交替的混生型群落格局,初秋出现短暂的S/CS型藻种占优的现象,从秋末开始逐渐向R/CR型生长策略的藻类群落演替,并在冬末初春在相对短的时间内演替成S/CS型群落格局.
Phytoplankton function classification came from the physiological characteristics and habitat adaption of specific phytoplankton species,matching the growth strategy of the species with the habitat template.The phytoplankton functional groups were classified based on the C-R-S growth strategy and its favored habitat.Phytoplankton function classification was applied in this study to the backwater area of Xiaojiang(Pengxi) River(XBA) of the Yangtze in the Three Gorges Reservoir.26 functional groups were classified based on the phytoplankton species data from May,2007 to April,2009.J/F/H1/P/LO/LM/B/Y/G/C was the major functional groups in the 2-year survey,while functional groups of MP/D/X1/X2/W1/W2 were also dominant and frequently detected.The succession traits among 5 sampling spots were generally the same.Succession series of the functional groups between the 2 years showed distinct.However,seasonal succession of functional groups based on the C-R-S strategy showed to have some in common: S/ CS type dominated in the spring,while in the summer flood season a co-occurrence of S/CS type and R/CR type was evident.From autumn,the succession from S/CS type to R/CR type which dominated in winter was remarkable.In the February to March,the shift from R/CR type in winter to S/CS type in the early spring was completed in a relatilve short time span.