描述了国内收集的18块普通球粒陨石的岩石矿物学特征,其中13块为新疆罗布泊地区的发现型陨石,1块为新疆库姆塔格地区的发现型陨石(Kumtag),1块为新疆阿克赛钦地区的发现型陨石(Aksai Chin),另外3块分别为降落于青海省西宁市(Xining)、湖北省随州市(Fuhe)以及浙江省东阳市(Dongyang)内的降落型陨石.18块陨石均属于平衡型普通球粒陨石,其中H群8块(全部为H5),L群10块(1块L4,7块L5,2块L6).18块陨石所受冲击变质作用较弱,以S2、S3程度居多.大多数罗布泊陨石经历了较强的风化作用,仅有2块风化程度较低,分别为W1和W2,Kumtag与Aksai Chin陨石风化程度均为W2.在新疆塔克拉玛干沙漠东部的戈壁荒漠区发现的大量陨石表明该区域可能是欧亚地区重要的陨石富集区.
Petrology and mineralogy of 18 newly recovered ordinary chondrites in China are reported in this paper. Fifteen meteorites were found in Xinjiang, among which 13 meteorites were found in the Lop Nur desert, and the other 2 meteorites were found in Kumtag and Aksai Chin, respectively. Three other meteorites are observed falls in Xining, Fuhe, and Dongyang, respectively. All meteorites are equilibrated ordi- nary chondrites with 8 H group and 10 L group meteorites. Their petrographic types vary from 4 to 6 in the L group meteorites, with most being type 5, while all H group meteorites are classified as type 5. The features of shock metamorphism of most mete- orites are moderate though a few have features of ≥4 stage. Most Lop Nur meteorites underwent intense weathering with only two of which have weathering degree of Wl and W2. Both Kumtag and Aksai Chin meteorite have a weathering degree of W2. The newly discovered tens of meteorites in the gobi deserts east to the Taklimakan Desert indicate that this region may become an important dense meteorite collection area in Eurasia.