Xingdi,Argan,Loulan Yizhi和Lop Nur为我国新发现的4个陨石富集区,位于新疆塔克拉玛干沙漠以东的罗布泊地区.新富集区的地质、地形条件非常有利于陨石的野外搜寻工作,发现并确认13块均为平衡型普通球粒陨石.相比于其他典型沙漠陨石,罗布泊陨石风化更为强烈,这可能与较高空气湿度和蒸发盐曾经共存有关.与南极陨石相比,在国内沙漠富集区回收陨石具有诸多优势.新富集区的确立为国内沙漠陨石的回收工作提供了理论依据和前提保障,我国的沙漠陨石回收工作亟待进行.
Xingdi, Argan, Loulan Yizhi and Lop Nur are four dense meteorite collection areas newly found in China. They are located on the east of the Taklimakan Desert, Xinjiang, The geological and morphological setting of these areas are suitable to meteorites collection and 13 equilibrated ordinary chondrites were first identified. Compared to other typical desert meteorites, these meteorites went through more intense weathering, which may be result of the pre-coexisting high air humidity and evaporite. Collecting meteorites in deserts have several advantages over in Antarctic, and these dense meteorite collection areas provide possibility for mass collection of meteorites in desert of China.