O n the basis of review ing literature on agricultural m odernization, a com prehensive index evaluation system for agricultural m odernization w as established. B y using such a system , the spatial-tem poral dynam ics and features of agricultural m odernization in the C entral Plains E conom ic R egion (C PE R ) w ere analyzed based on the entropy-based grey relational m odel and the spatial analysis. From the tem poral perspective, the com prehensive level of agricultural m odernization increased gradually from 1995 to 2011, w ith a rapid grow th since 2002, except for a slight decline in 1997. T he agricultural econom ic developm ent level and the agricultural production infrastructure m odernization level grew stably. T he rural social developm ent level and the overall level changed sim ilarly, w ith a decreasing trend since 2008. T he agricultural ecological environm ent level fluctuated largely and show ed an unstable state. From the spatial perspective,the difference ofagriculturalm odernization levelbetw een Zhengzhou-Jiaozuo-X iangyang and otherregions waslarge.A smalldifferencewasobservedforotherregions.Thehierarchylevelofagriculturalmodernizationwasnot obvious.From the entire distribution pattern perspective,the regions ofthe lastthree types w ere highly dom inated and coveredawiderangeofareas.Theregionsofthefirstandsecondlevelshadasmallnumberandmostlyconcentratedin the north of Z hengzhou. T he distribution pattern of the w hole region is extrem ely unbalanced, and the local variability wasverylarge.Basedontheresultsofthedataanalysiscarriedoutinthisstudy,thesuggestionfortheCPER positioning and propulsion w as m ade from the spatial-tem poralperspective.