As China soon became the chief target of global antidumping actions after it started the reform and o peningup program, to dampen foreign antidumping against the country is among the motives behind China' s adop tion and application of its own antidumping regulations. In this paper, using negative binomial and Poisson models, the authors develop a quantitative analysis of the antidumping initiations of 20 countries or regions against China in the period of 19952008 and find that China' s antidumping actions against imports and it's endeavor to challenge foreign anti dumping by resorting to WTO dispute settlement meehanism have not dampened foreign antidumping a gainst China effectively. In order to improve China' s position in the global antidumping game, China should ( 1 ) support the reform of WTO antidumping rules to reduce importing countries' misuse of antidumping; (2) target anti dumping against heavy foreign users; and (3) improve the capacity to positively use WTO dispute settlement mecha nism to handle antidumping disputes