Plant diseases caused by pathogens greatly de-crease productivity and quality of all crops, therefore seriously threaten the food supply and security world-wide. The most efficient, economic and environment-friendly solution is to breed for and grow new elite crop varieties with high performance of disease resistance. To achieve this, it is crucial to investigate and recognize the molecular and biochemical mechanisms that control plant innate immune responses, and identify resistance genes that can be used in crop breeding. In the past two decades,remarkableresearch progress has been achieved on the plant innate immunitymachinery that consists of PAMP-triggered immunity ( PTI) , effector-triggered im-munity ( ETI ) , and epigenetic regulatory cascades, based on the extensive study using the model plant Ara-bidopsis. On the other hand, recent studies on the real crops including rice, wheat and vegetable plants provide direct knowledge that drives translational researches in improving crop disease resistance. To support these aca-demic activities aimed to solve agricultural problems, planning of critical research projects on plant immunity and crop design breeding for disease resistance will cer-tainly promote agricultural science and technology in China.