By means of the optics test system completely developed by Hohai University for geomatenal's microstructure, the microstructure changes of cohesive soils under triaxial stress were quantitatively studied and the correlative characteristic parameters were extracted and analyzed. Then the microstructure evolution regularity of cohesive soils under triaxial stress and its effect on mechanical behavior were studied. Results indicate that the remolded samples' collapse mode of cohesive soils under lower confining pressure is based solely on symmetrical deformation and based accessorially on localized deformation. Under load action, particle conglomerate or pore aggregation and disintegration occurs at the same time and no action achieves distinct advantage over another action. As a whole the particles surface ratio increases and the pores surface ratio decreases during compression process. The initial flat roundness of particle is higher, the decrease range of particle roundness will be larger during compression process and the change of particle shape will be more evident. The roundness of particles continuously largens and the spatial arrangement of particles becomes compacted as water content advances. The soil strength descends evidently and its strain rate increases as water content of cohesive soil with low swelling property increases.