The structure and dielectric properties of microwave dielectric ceramics Bi2 (Zn1/3 Nb2/3 )2O7 (β-BZT) doped with different MoO3 concentrations and sintered under the N2/air/O2 atmosphere were studied. The sintering temperature was reduced down about 100℃ with addition of MoOa. The effect of doping on structure and properties was studied in detail. The decrease of dielectric constant and Q with the increase of dopant was observed. The dielectric property of the sample with 0.05% of MoO3 was promising. Following combination of physical properties were obtained: dielectric constant εr≈65, τc= 76 × 10^-6/℃, Q≈943. Sintering atmosphere also affected the grain size and dielectric properties of the ceramics.