认为价值链治理对发展中国家集群升级的影响最终随交易中生产商和采购商议价实力对比的变化而不同,并结合巴西西诺斯谷(Sinos Valley)鞋业集群进行对比分析,最后得出了有关发展中国家集群升级的若干启示,指出:发展中国家集群中的生产商只有通过各种途径提高议价实力,才能带动整个集群在全球价值链中顺利地实现升级。
The paper argues that the impact of value chain governance on upgrading in industrial clusters of developing countries changes while the bargaining power of producers versus buyers changes at last. This conclusion is analyzed with the case of the Sinos Valley footwear cluster in Brazil in a comparative way. Finally, some suggestions are made about upgrading in local industrial clusters of developing countries. The authors propose that only if the producers in developing country clusters try to improve their bargaining power in various ways, they can help the whole cluster upgrade in global value chains smoothly.