In order to reduce the induced voltage of the metal shield in power cable, the method of three segments conversion is often adopted. But the unequal length of three segments will make the induced voltage of the metal shield unbalanced, and produce the circulating current in the metal shield when the power cable is renovated. According to analysis, the induced voltage models of the metal shield of power cable are deduced in this paper, these models include any arrangement way of the cable at single circuit and two-circuit. The method of adding compensating unit (in fact ,compensating inductance device) at the end of the metal shield of power cable is presented, which ean restrain eireulating eurrent. Its basle prineiple is that the eompensating unit is set around the power eable, when eurrent flows through the power eable, the indueed voltage arises in eompensating unit, the indueed voltage is used to eounteraet the indueed voltage of the metal shield. The ealeulation model of eompensating induetanee is derived, and emulation ealeulation are made. Researeh shows that the method proposed in this paper ean reduee the indueed voltage of the metal shield effieiently, reduee the eireulating eurrent in the metal shield, and deerease the loss of power eable greatly.