针对在传统的快速地图创建和同时定位算法(fast simultaneous location and map building,Fast SLAM)中采用扩展卡尔曼滤波器(extend Kalman filter,EKF)来估计机器人位姿和地图创建所带来的线性化误差的问题,本研究提出了一种基于迭代EKF的Fast SLAM2.0算法——IFastsLAM算法。该算法将迭代思想运用到EKF中,同时采用迭代EKF来估计粒子从而完成机器人地图创建和自身定位。实验结果证明,该算法提高了粒子的估计精度从而减缓粒子退化问题,并更好的维持了地图的一致性。
The traditional fast map building and positioning algorithm for fast simultaneous location and map building (FastSLAM) usually used the extend Kalman filter (EKF)to estimate the robot' s pose and map, which could lead to some problems of linearization error. In order to solve this problem, a new FastSLAM2. 0 algorithm based on the itera- ted EKF was proposed, which were also called IFastSLAM algorithm. The iterated EKF were used to estimate the parti- cle and then to complete the map building and self-positioning. The experimental results showed that this algorithm could improve the accuracy of estimating particle to slow down the particle degradation, and could maintain the consis- tency of the map better.