Housing security problem is becoming more and more serious in livelihood issues and is drawingmore and more attention from common people. By referring to the existing measurement model of appropriate level of social security, the writers of the present paper construct a measurement model at appropriate level of housing security. Then the model coefficients are estimated based upon the relevant empirical data of the developedcountries. The moderate ratio between housing security expense and the GDP should be from 0.83% to 2.21%,consideringparticular situation of Guangdong. But the calculation shows the present real level of housing security in Guangdong is only 0.2% , which is far from the moderate level floor. The investments in housing security from the government are still far from enough. With the continuous development of economy, the provincialgovernment should continue its increase of the housing safeguard dynamics of the low - and lowest - incomepeople and enhance further the housing security level.