This paper investigates the substitutability between energy and capital in the manufacturing sectors since 1995 by applying a translog cost function approach that has been widely used to analyze industrial energy de- mand, and then analyzes their substitutability by dividing energy into sub - inputs. The empirical results indicate that coal, electricity, oil are characterized by significant differences of substitution with capital both in strength and direction, which proves the existence of heterogeneity in energy and capital substitution, and that heterogeneity in energy sources is a primary component of the systematic variation in the substitutability between energy and capital. Second, we examine asymmetric substitutability between energy and capital by estimating the MES elasticity of sub- stitution. The estimates of the MES elasticity of substitution demonstrate that, controlled by the source of the trig- gered factor price change, capital tend to substitute energy while energy complements capital. This asymmetric sub- stitutability is also apparent when manufacturing sectors are grouped into capital- intensive type and labor- inten- sive type. These results imply that the attempt to save energy only considering the substitution of capital for energy is limited, and the adoption of energy - saving technologies has not been induced in response to increased energy prices. Therefore, when Industrial energy policy in the synthesis of various kinds of energy is to be made, heteroge- neity in energy sources and their asymmetric substitutability for capital have to be considered so as to make the cor- responding measurements more targeted and effective.