以太网数据的透明传输是在传输过程中对外界透明,不用关心下层协议,只负责将需要传送的业务数据传送到目的节点,而不篡改数据内容、不改变数据属性的一种传输方式。采用以太数据透明传输的无线激光通信系统,可以方便的与现有工业以太网络无缝集成,提高设备可用性,扩大其应用范围。基于DE2-115教育开发平台,利用板载FPGA集成Nios Ⅱ软核作为控制单元,运行裁减后的NicheStack TCP/IP协议栈的μC/OS Ⅱ实时操作系统,实现了无线激光通信系统与千兆以太网在数据链路层上的数据透明传输。通过系统仿真、电路实验以及光路实验对本设计进行了数据一致性测试。测试结果表明,本设计具有良好的数据透明传输特性。
Transparent transmission is one method of transferring Ethernet data so that it is only responsible forsending business data to destination nodes without regard for the underlying protocol or preprocessing of data properties and content.The program uses Nios II, which is integrated into field programmable gate arrays as the control element.By transplanting μC/OS-II real-time operating systems, using NicheStack TCP/IP protocol stacks, packets were captured and forwarded on the data link layer transparently between wireless laser communication system and the Ethernet.The data consistency of the design is tested by system simulation, circuit experiment and optical experiment.Our test results showed that the scheme performed transparent transmission well.