小峰熊蜂Bombus hypocrita Pgrez隶属于膜翅目蜜蜂科熊蜂属,是我国重要的传粉昆虫之一。该种熊蜂在我国华北地区分布广泛,其中,在太行山脉和燕山山脉分布密度较大。在自然界,该种熊蜂一年一代,可利用的植物范围非常广泛。在人工控制条件下,该种熊蜂易于人工饲养,可实现周年繁育,为设施果菜传粉性能优良,具有重要的开发利用价值。
Bombus hypocrita Pébelonging to the genus Bombus (Hymenoptera:Apidae), it is one of effective insect pollinators in China. It distributed widely in north China, especially in Taihang Mountains, Yanshan Mountains and Bashang plateau. Bombus hypocrita has one generation a year in nature in north China with big range of foraging plants from spring to autumn. It can be mass-reared for year-round in captivity and applicated as pollinators for crops in greenhouse.