对明亮熊蜂和意大利蜜蜂在温室凯特杏园的传粉生物学特性进行研究.结果表明,这2种蜂都可以代替人工弹花为温室杏园提供有效的传粉服务,但其传粉生物学特性不同.明亮熊蜂的趋光性差,适应温室环境能力强,活动起点温度为8.3℃,晴天日工作时间为7.85 h,访花速度为10.70朵.min^-1;偏爱采集花粉,平均携粉率为31.59%.意大利蜜蜂的趋光性强,喜欢访问树冠上部的花朵;其活动受温度和光照条件的影响较大,在温度低于15℃的阴雪天气传粉活动停止,晴天日工作时间为5.34 h,访花速度为8.80朵.min^-1;偏爱采集花蜜,平均携粉率仅为11.08%.因此,在低温条件下明亮熊蜂的传粉效果比意大利蜜蜂好.
Pollination biologies of Bombus lucorum and Apis mellifera ligustica in Katy apricot greenhouse were studied from 2004 to 2006. The result showed that the two species could provide effective pollination for the host instead of manual work, but the pollination biologies of the two species were significantly different in greenhouse. B. lucorum worked at lower temperature and could visit more flowers each day compared with A. mellifera ligustica, whose activities could be affected by sunlight and temperature. The phototaxis OfA. meUifera ligustica was strong. The initial work temperature of B. lucorum was 8.3 ℃ , while A. mellifera ligustica did not work under 15 ℃. The working time of B. lucorum and A. mellifera ligustica in greenhouse in sunny days was 7.85 h and 5.34 h respectively, the foraging speeds of the two species were 10.70 and 8.80 flowers per minute respectively. B. lucorum preferred to collect pollen while A. mellifera ligustica liked to forage nectar in Katy greenhouse. The average carrying pollen rates of B. lucorum and A. meUifera ligustica were 31.59% and 11.08% respectively. It was suggested that B. lucorum was a better insect pollinator than A. mellifera ligustica at lower temperature in Kay apricot greenhouse.