密林熊蜂Bombus patagiatus Nylander是我国重要的授粉昆虫之一,该种熊蜂在陕西榆林地区1年1代,以蜂王休眠方式越冬。3月底、4月初越冬蜂王出蛰,2周以后开始产卵,5月中、下旬第一批工蜂开始出房,7月上旬雄蜂开始出房,7月中旬子代蜂王开始出房,7~8月新蜂王和熊蜂交配,9月中、下旬母群熊蜂自然解体消亡,10月上旬左右,天气逐渐变冷,交配后的蜂王开始在地下洞穴内休眠越冬。
Bombus patagiatus Nylander is one of the effective insect pollinators in China. It has one generation a year in Yulin area, Shanxi Province, it lives through the cold winter as queens in hibernation. The queen emerges from hibernation in late March or early April and begins to lay eggs two weeks later. The first batch of workers appears in early or middle May. The young drones and queens are born in early July and middle July respectively, they mate from July to August. Mother colonies die out in middle or late September, The young mated queens come into hibernation usually in the hole under the earth in early October when the weather becomes cold.