By introducing the export scale and position of value chain into the heterogeneous firms model, tais paper theoretically studies the mechanism of how export transformation and upgrade affect em- ployment and empirically tests it with the matching data of China Industrial Enterprise Database and Cus- toms Dat tbase from 2000 to 2006. The analysis shows the following three points. ( 1 ) Expansion of exports significantly increases employment. However, as the general trade has smaller positive effects than process- ing trade, the increasing proportion of general trade will have a negative effect. (2) The productivity im- provemeiit of export enterprises tends to decrease employment. ( 3 ) The promotion of value chain of export enterprises can also impair employment. Recently, transformation and upgrade of China's export trade is characterized by the lasting promotion of proportion of general trade, productivity and value chain position. All these three factors lead to a decrease in finns' demand of employment, which will further alleviate the long-teml shortage of labor supply and the pain of demographic dividends' disappearing.