To solve the problems existed in the extraction of the characteristics from the smoke images of forest fire, such as image information redundancy, large storage, consumption of computing speed, this pa- per proposed a new way for forest fire smoke detection that was based on the motion path angle to optimize the characteristics of the smoke. In a real forest environment, smoke was produced by burning tobacco cake to simulate early forest fire smoke. Video surveillance was used to record the motion of smoke. Smoke ima- ges and images of cloud in the sky were collected under different circumstances. The motion path angle was calculated to find out the range of motion path angles of smoke and cloud which could be used as the identi- fication feature of smoke. When dealing with smoke data, smoke image information was converted to alge- braic characteristics of smoke. Compared to the extraction of other features, such as smoke color feature, texture feature,and moving area, the motion path angle based data extraction decreased the data amount and storage,and less time was needed to conduct calculation.