粳稻品种嘉花1号经60Coγ射线辐射诱变后获得一个水稻类病斑突变体MR07,暂命名为lms1。该突变体的病斑在全生育期均表现,属于扩散型类病斑突变体。生理和组织化学分析表明,该突变体在高温条件下(30℃)培养时只表现为白色条斑,低温条件下(20℃)培养时表现出细胞自主性死亡的坏死病斑。遗传分析表明,该突变体受1对隐性核基因控制。以lms1突变体与籼稻9311、培矮64S杂交的两个F2分离群体作为定位群体,利用SSR标记和Indel标记将该基因定位在第6染色体上,位于标记InDel1和MM0112-4之间,其物理距离为400 kb。
A lesion mimic stripe mutant was obtained from the M2 progeny of a japonica variety Jiahua 1 by 60Co γ radiation,temporarily designated as lms1(lesion mimic stripe 1).The mutant displayed lesion mimic in its whole life,and belonged to propagation type.Physiological and histochemistry analysis suggested that the mutant displayed a phenotype of white stripe at a high temperature(30℃) and lesion mimic caused by cell initiative death at a low temperature(20℃),respectively.The genetic analysis indicated that the mutant trait was controlled by a single recessive nuclear gene.In addition,using SSR markers and an F2 segregating population derived from two crosses(lms1/9311 and Pei'ai 64S/lms1),the lms1 gene was mapped between Indel1 and MM0112-4 with a physical distance of 400 kb on chromosome 6 in rice.