Based on historical data and field survey, wildlife resources in habitat of Rhinopithecus bieti are researched, and plant biodiversity and its threatened situation are analyzed. The results show that: (1)The vascular plants consists of 3533species (including subspecies and varieties) which belong to 789 genus and 217 families in habitat of Rhinopitheeus bieti; (2)The flora composition is complicated and various in the habitat. There are 117Chinese endemic genus including 27ancient endemic genus, indicating that the flora is old; (3) There are 47forms which belong to four groups of vegetational type and 10 vegetational types in habitat of Rhinopitheeus bieti . According to the threatened situation, effective measures including vegetation restoration, eco-emigration, the rare and endangered species conservation and community co- management for plant biodiversity couservation are suggested for habitat of Rhinopitheeus bieti.