2007~2008年对云南柯街地区实蝇(Bactrocera spp.)群落调查研究的结果表明,柯街地区实蝇类害虫共有11种,其中橘小实蝇(B.dorsalis)属于绝对优势种,瓜实蝇(B.cucurbitae)次之。物种丰富度动态和数量动态基本一致,6~8月为发生高峰期;群落Shannon多样性指数、Simpson指数和均匀度具有同增同减性,且6~8月为最低。分析表明,温度和寄主是影响当地实蝇类害虫个体数量变动的关键因子。另外,柯街实蝇优势种的优势地位明显,群落生态优势度高,是造成6~8月多样性和均匀度低的主要原因。
According to the study and investigation on the fruit fly in Kejie during 2007~2008,there are eleven species of Bactrocera.The local dominant species of fruit flies is B.dorsalis;and the second was B.cucurbitae.The dynamics of fruit fly abundance and fruit fly individuals wre all the same,which reached the peak from June to August.The community diversity,simpson and eveniness were similar in increasion and reduction which were the lowest from June to August.The correlation analysis indicated that temperature and host plant species were the main factors influencing the population fluctuations.In addition,the main reason causing diversity and eviness lower was the obvious position of the dominant species of fruit flies from June to August.