The interception and feature extraction of multi-component linear frequency modulation continuous waveform (LFMCW) signals is difficult to perform for a radar intelligence reconnaissance system. In order to fast detect and efficiently separate multi-component LFMCW radar signals, a novel method is presented. First, with the introduction of periodic frac- tional Fourier transform (PFRFT), the relationship between PFRFT and FRFT is analyzed, and the PFRFT of a LFMCW sig- nal is discussed. Then, a numerical computation method of discrete PFRFT is given, and the separation of the multi-compo- nent LFMCW signals is realized by narrowband filtering on the periodic fractional Fourier domain (PFRFD) with CLEAN. Fi- nally, simulation results show several conclusions: (a) the computation efficiency of PFRFT outperforms periodic Wigner- Hough transform (PWHT) ; (b) the LFMCW signal component has energy peak on a certain PFRFD and preserves its time- frequency characteristic after separating; (c) when the powers of two LFMCW signals are widely different, it is efficient to separate on the PFRFD, otherwise separation on the time domain is better; (d) when the two LFMOW signal components have similar powers and the signal noise ratio (SNR) is 0 dB, the correlation coefficients between the separated and original LFMCW signal components are both greater than 0.9.