J iaozhou Bay has an important impact on the ecological environment of Qingdao City. However, the ecologi- cal environment of the coastal zone has worsened with the rapid development of economy. This study is duly on the assessment of the habitat vulnerability in the coastal zone of Jiaozhou Bay. The space model of the Habitat vulnera- hility in the given area was established using satellite remote sensing image for the main data source. The analytic hi- erarchy process (AHP) was employed with rising sea level disaster risk index and health index. The results show that the value of the habitat vulnerability in this area is between 5.64-86.20;the value increases with the influence of the water quality variation, reduction of species ,and aggravating human activities. The habitat vulnerability is high in the early-developed urban area while comparatively low in the late-developed Jiaozhou City and Chengyang Dis- trict. This modeling analysis provides reference and guide for the improvement of Jiaozhou Bay ecological environ- ment and its countermeasures construction.