研究了福建九龙江河口不同林龄、不同红树种类的人工林中黑口滨螺(Littoraia melanostoma)和黑线蜒螺(Nerita lineata)的分布情况.结果表明,黑线蜒螺主要分布于秋茄林内,且其生物量随林龄增加而增加;桐花树林内黑口滨螺的生物量和密度均大于林龄相近的秋茄林,但个体大小则小于秋茄林.黑口滨螺的生物量在桐花树林内随林龄增加呈现先增加后减少的趋势,而在秋茄林内则随林龄增加而减少.这种差异性反映了人工红树林植物种类及其演替过程对腹足类动物分布的影响. ADistributionofLittoraiamelanostomaGray(Littorinidae)andNeritalineataGmelin(Neritadae)inreha-bilitatedmangroves.CHENGuangcheng,YEYong,LUChangyi,L1Rong,WENGJin,XUYuyu(StateKeyLaboratoryofMarineEn~4ronmentalScience,XiamenUniversity,Xiamen361005,China).一Chin.上Appl.Ec01.,2006.17(9):1721~1725.
An investigation was made in April and July 2005 on the abundance and biomass of Littoraia melanostoma ( Littorinidae) and Nerita lineata (Neritadae) in the rehabilitated mangrove forests with different mangrove species and stand ages at the Jiulongjiang Estuary of Fujian Province. The results showed that Nerita lineata was more abundant in mature stands, and had greater biomass and density in Kandelia candel stand than in Aegiceras cornicu- latum stand. A. corniculatum stand had greater density and biomass of L. melanostoma than K. candel stand, when the two stands had similar ages. In A. corniculatum stands, the biomass of L. melanostoma increased with the age of younger stands; while in K. candel stands, it decreased with the development of the forests. Different habitation patterns of the two snails in different mangrove stands indicated that N. lineate had a strong inhabitation preference for mature K. candel forest, while L. melanostoma was apt to inhabit in younger A. corniculatum forests.