对猬草属及其近缘属(新麦草属、赖草属)物种11种1变种共13份材料进行了RAPD和ISSR分析。聚类分析结果表明:①新麦草属物种和赖草属物种各自聚类在一起;②猬草属模式种Hystrix patula与其他猬草属物种间存在明显的遗传差异;③Hystrix coreana、H.duthiei ssp.duthiei和H.duthiei ssp.longearistata与含Ns基因组的新麦草属物种及具NsXm基因组的赖草属物种聚在一起。以上结果与细胞学结果类似,表明H.patula与其他猬草属物种存在较大的遗传变异,而H.coreana、H.duthiei ssp.duthiei和H.duthiei ssp.longearistata与新麦草属及赖草属物种具有较近的亲缘关系。两种标记得到的Jaccard遗传相似系数和遗传聚类图基本一致,但ISSR引物扩增的多态性高于RAPD标记,且PCR扩增反应优于RAPD反应。RAPD和ISSR标记可作为评价小麦族物种遗传多样性和亲缘关系的分子标记技术。
The phylogenetic relationships of 12 taxa from Hystrix and the related species in Psathyrostachys and Leymus were analyzed by using RAPD and ISSR assays. H. coreana , H. duthiei ssp. duthiei and H. duthiei ssp. longearistata were clustered with the Psatkyrostackys and Leyrnus species, while H. patula, the type species of Hystrix, formed a monophyletic branch. The results were in agreement with previously cytological data, and indicated that: (1)H. patula was distantly related to the other species of Hystrix ; (2) H. coreana , H. dutkiei ssp. duthiei and H. duthiei ssp. longearistata had a close affinity with the Psathyrostachys and Leymus specie. The RAPD and ISSR assays in this study produced similar UPGMA dendrograrns, but the ISSR technique was superior to the RAPD assay in polymorphism and the stability of PCR reaction. RAPD and ISSR were two useful makers for assessing the genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships in Tiritceae.