Based on 21 morphological characters, a cladistic analysis of 34 Leymus species was conducted. The parsimony analysis yielded 70 equally most parsimonious trees and a strict consensus tree. The results indicated that: (1) Leymus species have rich variation in in these morphological characteristics, which is not agreement with the subdivison of Leymus; (2) the Leymus species in North America differed morphologically from the Eurasian Leymus species; (3) L. duthiei, L. duthiei var. longearistatus, and L. coreanus are closely related to other Leymus species, and it is reasonable to transfer these taxa from Hystrix to Leyrnus. In addition, the high level distribution of homoplastic characters in Leymus, together with the parallel or multiple evolution, makes it difficult to reconstruct phylogenetic tree by parsimony analysis very difficult. Therefore, it is necessary to combine the morphological data with DNA sequence data to reconstruct phylogeny of Leymus.