ZmBH、ZmWD是玉米中分别具有转录因子bHLH和WD重复蛋白结构的两个功能未知基因,在不同组织中及各种胁迫诱导条件下,这两个基因均发生不同程度的剪接,产生大小各异的转录本.序列分析发现其剪接方式与经典的mRNA剪接不同,即剪接位点的选择不符合GT-AG或AT-AC规则,而是在剪接位点具有短正向重复序列SDR(Shortdirect repeats).ZmBH的转录后加工导致序列发生移码而提前终止,而ZmWD则缺失了大部分结构域序列,经由这种方式产生的转录后加工产物可影响蛋白编码,因而可能是对这两个基因功能进行调控的一种方式.图6表1318
ZmBH and Zm WD, containing bHLH or WD40-repeat demain, are unknown function transcription factor-like genes in maize. Under different treatments, various transcripts were determined in the two genes. Sequence analyses demonstrated that unlike the classic splicing processes, the splicing sites were neither GT-AG nor AT-AC, but short-direct repeats (SDRs), which present surrounding splicing junctions in the individual splicing events. The unusual post-transcriptional processing led to a premature termination by introducing stop codon in ZmBH, and a deletion of functional domain in ZmWD. Therefore, the majority of the detected transcripts resulting from SDR-mediated post-transcriptional processing might have no capacity to encode functional proteins, suggesting a regulation mechanism of ZmBH and ZmWD. Fig 6, Tab 1, Ref 18