Field pilot tests of modified local soil/sand induced ecological restoration technology (MLS-IER) were carried out in the experimental enclosure of Meiliang Bay of Lake Taihu. The response of zoobenthos community in the experimental areas was evalua- ted based on the results of the survey from November 2010 to September 2011. The results revealed that the average density and bi- omass of mollusca in the experimental area were improved by 124% and 33.8% , respectively, and the average Shannon-Wiener index and Margalef index of zoobenthos were improved by 41.1% and 18.5% , respectively, compared to the control area. Canoni- cal correspondence analysis was employed to identify the relationship between environmental factors and zoobenthos community. Chlorophyll-a, temperature, dissolved oxygen and total phosphorus concentration were found to be significant factors that influenced the zoobenthos community. This study indicated that the habitat and species diversity of the zoobenthos can be improved by the reduc- tion of Cyano-HABs and nutrient levels, and the increase in dissolved oxygen due to the MLS-IER treatment in the enclosure.