From August 2008 to November 2010, field pilot tests of modified local soil induced ecological restoration (MLS-IER) technology were carried out in the trial enclosure in Taihu Lake in every summer for ur- gent algal removal and water quality improvement and in every early spring for sediment remediation and sub- merged vegetation restoration. The variations of phytoplankton community in the trial enclosure were surveyed from October 2008 to November 2010. In 2009, after the pilot tests in March and August, some species were lost in the short run, but recovered about one month later. After the pilot test in March 2009, the variety and the percentage of cyanobacteria declined but that of diatom and green algae increased. In the long run, the outbreak period of cyanobacterial bloom in 2010 was shorter than that in 2008 and 2009. Therefore, the effects of MLS- IER technology on water and sediment improvement and restoration of submerged vegetation might inhibit and de- lay the cyanobacterial recruitment and weaken the cyanobacterial outbreak. The further study on mechanism and control technologies of the cyanobacterial recruitment and outbreak should be carried out.