We developed a system to measure the absolute frequency of transition of I2 based on phased locked femto-second laser. The system mainly includes phased locked femto-second laser with repetition frequency of 760 MHz and the 633 nm frequency standard of ECL based on third-harmonic frequency stabilization of iodine saturation absorption. The stabilization of frequency of the femto-second comb generator was achieved by locking both of the repetition frequency (fr) and the carrier envelope offset frequency (fceo) with homemade phase locked circuits and commercial microwave frequency standard. The stability was estimated up to 6.44×10^-13. The absolute frequency was measured by beat frequency between the 633 nm frequency standard locked on the iodine hyperfine transitions and femto-second frequency comb with the help of wavelength meter. Therefore, the transfer from the microwave frequency standard to the optic frequency standard based on the phase locked femto-second laser system has been established, which makes the foundation for the further research.