Carbon chemical species in size-resolved airborne particulate matters collected on January 14 and October 16-17, 2010 at S1NAP, a suburban spot in northwest Shanghai, and in three standard samples (oxalic acid, sucrose and graphite), were characterized on October 19-21, 2010 with the near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) spectroscopy. The C(ls) NEXAFS spectra differ distinctly among the freshly collected particulate matters of different size ranges and different collection hours, i.e. in day time or at night. The difference is mainly the asymmetrical distribution of carboxyl -COOH, carbonate and carbonyl C =O components. However, this was not observed among the C(ls) NEXAFS spectra of particulate matters collected in different hours of January 14 and kept refrigerated for 9 months, suggesting possible decay or re-equilibrium of the carbon chemical species in the sample storage.