Fluorine is widely distributed in rocks, which are the ultimate sources of fluorine in the environment. So it is necessary to study fluorine distribution in rocks especially in fluorine poisoning areas. The Daba mountainous region has severe endemic fluorosis. Most of outcropping bedrocks have high F content, about several times to tens of times greater than the average in the earth crust. Furthermore, strong weathering in the Daba region, which has a typical subtropical monsoon climate with rich heat and rainfall and landform characterized by mountains and hills, resulted in close relations between weath- ered bedrock and human health. In this paper, the F content and distribution in the strata of the Daba region are stud- ied, particularly F-rich strata. The results show that the Early Paleozoic strata in this re- gion are all rich in fluorine at large. Fluorine content is mostly more than 800 mg/kg in carbonaceous slate, black shale and phosphate rock of Lower Cambrian Lujiaping Forma- tion. Fluorine content is also high in carbonaceous slate of Lower Silurian Daguiping For- mation (more than 1500 mg/kg), and the forementioned strata are classified into the high- fluorine zones in the Daba region. Fluorine contents of Ordovician and other formations of Mid-Lower Silurian strata are also higher than the average in the earth crust (550 mg/kg) but lower than 800 mg/kg. Fluorine contents Of Neoproterozoic, Lower Cambrian Jianzhuba Formation and Mid-Upper Cambrian strata are generally lower than 500 mg/kg, which are classified into the low-fluorine zones in the Daba region. The fluorine content of stone coal of Early Paleozoic in the Daba region is generally much higher than the average fluorine content of Chinese coals. The highest fluorine con- tent of stone coal occurs in Lower Silurian Daguiping Formation, the next in Lower Cam- brian, and the lowest in Mid-Upper Cambrian and Ordovician stone coal. Most Chinese stone coals are high-fluorine coals (〉800 mg/kg), which are widely distributed in sou