使用ERA40和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料探讨了冬季200hPa东亚沿海到太平洋上空西风急流(WPJS)异常与北太平洋冬季海表加热和天气尺度瞬变扰动异常的关系。研究表明,东亚-北太平洋中纬度地区冬季海气系统与天气尺度瞬变扰动活动有十分密切的局地空间匹配型。通过进一步的诊断分析发现,与冬季200 hPa WPJS 3种不同的空间异常型相伴随的北太平洋海表加热异常型和天气尺度扰动异常型也截然不同:第1种空间异常型的西风异常主要发生于日界线以东的中东太平洋上空,而WPJS主体处却没有显著的异常发生,此时,在赤道中东太平洋和北太平洋海盆中部地区有异常的海表加热,西风异常区的瞬变扰动也发生异常变化;第2种空间异常型表现为WPJS主体区西风急流强度的变化,并与黑潮表面加热异常以及WPJS出口处的瞬变扰动活动异常有密切关系;第3种空间异常型显示出WPJS的南北移动,它与以35°N为界的西北太平洋南部和北部海区海表加热异常的正负对比有关系,与此同时,瞬变扰动活动也存在相应的南北移动。一个可能的联系是海表加热异常与大尺度平均气流异常密切关联,从而改变了中纬度大气斜压性,由此导致了瞬变扰动异常,后者通过大气内部动力过程对冬季WPJS异常起维持作用。
Relationships between 200 hPa westerly jet stream anomalies over the East Asian coastal water Western Pacific (WPJS) region, and the oceanic surface heating and synoptic-scale transient eddy (STE) activity anomalies over the North Pacific in wintertime are examined using the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ERA 40) and National Centers for Environmental Prediction-National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) reanalysis data. It is shown that the spatial distribution of the mid-latitude atmosphere-ocean system is well matched locally with the synoptic-scale transient eddy activities over the North Pacific. The EOF analysis is performed firstly to reveal the wintertime WPJS variations. The first EOF mode of 200 hPa zonal wind exhibits the strengthening/weakening of the westerly wind downstream of the WPJS main body, and the second and third EOF modes display the strengthening/weakening and northward/southward-shift of WPJS main body, respectively. The quantitative connections of the wintertime WPJS variations to oceanic surface heating and STE activity are established by fitting the surface heat fluxes and STE anomalies using the time coefficients of the first three WPJS EOF modes. The anomalous westerly wind downstream of the WPJS main body is associated with the anomalous heating present both in the tropical central-eastern Pacific east of the date line and in the central North Pacific basin, and with the STE anomaly around the anomalous westerly wind region. The fluctuations in intensity of WPJS main body shown in the second WPJS mode are close related with the heating anomaly in the Kuroshio Current region, and with the STE anomaly in the WPJS exit region. And the northward/southward-shift of WPJS main body is statistically connection with the south-north direction dipolar pattern of heating anomalies centered at 35°N in the western North Pacific, as well as with the northward/southward-displacement of STE activity. Obviously, there exists a triangular coupled relatio