The velocity time sequence at different vertical locations in a turbulent boundary layer has been finely measured by IFAa00 constant-temperature anemometer with resolution higher than the frequency that corresponds to dissipative scale. Wavelet transform is introduced to perform multi-scale eddy decompositions of velocity fluctuation for turbulent flows. Real temporal-scale length and spatial-scale length of multi-scale eddy structures are obtained by correlation functions of multi-scale wavelet coefficients. The relationship between wavelet scale parameter and real temporal scale of multi-scale eddy structures in turbulence are investigated. Dissipative scale and Taylor micro-scale at different vertical locations in turbulent boundary layer are measured and their positions in wavelet scale spectrum are fixed. The evolutions of dissipative scale and Taylor micro-scale across turbulent boundary layer are studied. The phased-averaged waveforms of micro-scale eddy structures in turbulent boundary layer are extracted by multi-scale conditional sampling method.