In this paper the case of m machines with non-simultaneous machine available times is investigated. As a generalation of the classical parallel machine scheduling problem,each machine is available only at a machine dependent release time. For the problem of minimizing the makespan, the kind of algorthm which is called Primal-Threshold PTm( ε), where ε is an optional parameter, is proposed. Then we prove that if the Algorithm will be controlled by normal stopping rule, we can obtain that C^PTm(ε)/C^OPT〈1+ε The Algorithm will be controlled by abnormal stopping rule. We can also get the same result. Moreover,it is proved that if ε equalso to m-1/mthe performance ratio of Prlmal-Threshold Algorithm PTm(m-1/m)is 1+(m-1)/m,which is tight. It extends the case of two machines onPrimal-Threshold Algorithms.