采用自行研制的生物转鼓反应器(RDB)处理难溶于水的NO废气,为提高NO的传质系数和去除效率,实验考察了营养液中添加FeⅡ(EDTA)络合剂协同RDB以提高NO去除效率的过程。结果表明,当空床停留时间(EBRT)为0.96 min时,在营养液中添加FeⅡ(EDTA)至100 mg/L后,NO的去除效率从70.78%升至79.26%。未添加FeⅡ(EDTA)时NO去除率随营养液的增加下降,添加FeⅡ(EDTA)至100 mg/L后,去除率随营养液量的增加先上升后下降,且下降速率比上升速率大。随着营养液中FeⅡ(EDTA)浓度从0增加至500 mg/L,实验最佳温度从32.5℃升至47.5℃,但添加FeⅡ(ED-TA)至100 mg/L对实验的最适pH值没有太大影响。
A novel process for the removal of NO by a combined FeⅡ(EDTA) absorption and microbial reduction in a rotating drum biofilter(RDB) was demonstrated.FeⅡ(EDTA) was added in the nutrient solution to improve the mass transfer efficiency of NO from the gas to the liquid.The results showed that under the experimental conditions of empty bed residence time of 0.96 min,the NO removal efficiency was improved from 70.78% to 79.26% after the addition of FeⅡ(EDTA) to 100 mg/L in the nutrient solution.Without the FeⅡ(EDTA) addition,the NO removal efficiency decreased with the increasing of the amount of the nutrient solution.But it increased at the beginning of the FeⅡ(EDTA) addition and then decreased with the addition of FeⅡ(EDTA) to 100 mg/L.The most suitable temperature increased from 32.5℃ to 47.5℃ when FeⅡ(EDTA) increased from 0 mg/L to 500 mg/L.There was little change of the pH with the addition of FeⅡ(EDTA) to 100 mg/L.