交通需求组合模型(CTDM)基于随机效用理论组合了出行-分布-方式-路径选择,突破了传统四步骤模型的局限,并可以描述为一个非线性规划问题.对求解CTDM的部分线性化算法进行分析,提出了在进行步长优化时使用二次插值法得到模拟最优步长的方法.使用经典路网Sioux Falls,将所提出的算法与连续平均法和精确线性搜索算法比较,验证了二次插值法的计算精度高,收敛速度快.
The combined travel demand model (CTDM) combines the travel-destination-mode-route choice based on the random utility theory. This model avoids the limitation of the conventional sequential four-step procedure, and can be formulated as a non-linear programming problem. By analyzing the partial linearization algorithm of CTDM, a quadratic interpolation method is proposed to obtain the approximated optimal step size. Comparison of the proposed algorithm with method of successive averages and bi-section line search method in the classic Sioux Falls network confirms that the quadratic interpolation can converge faster and get better solution than the other two methods.