2.5D图形算法是计算机卡通动画生成的关键技术。通过将扩散曲线方法引入双面2.5D图形,提出着色双面2.5D图形技术。该技术首先读入矢量表示的图形色源曲线,再根据用户指定的操作对色源曲线进行折叠处理,由矢量曲线所对应的色源颜色对2.5D 图形的正反面局部层区域进行扩散着色,最终生成具有渐变着色效果的2.5D 图形。实验表明,该方法绘制出的2.5D 图形颜色过渡自然,视觉效果好,克服了传统2.5D 矢量图形绘制效果颜色单一、颜色过渡生硬等问题。该方法可用于生成静态2.5D图像或动态2.5D动画。
2.5D graphics is one of the key technologies for creating computer cartoon animation. This paper proposes anovel method, colored double-sided 2.5D graphics, to generate 2.5D graphics with color transition based on a set of vectorgraphics-primitives defined by users. The basic idea behind this method is the diffusion curves technique for the double-sided2.5D graphics. The method first takes a group of curves with pre-defined colors as its source data, and then performs aclassic 2.5D folding operator on the source curves with several user-specified parameters. A color diffusing process isemployed in each local area limited by curves on front and back 2.5D local layers respectively. Once the diffusing processesare finished, a 2.5D image with elegant color transition can finally be obtained. The results show that the colored doublesided2.5D graphics method can work well with various source data and can generates both static 2.5D images and 2.5Dcartoon animations.