利用双平衡法,研究了Co(Ⅱ)-NH3-NH4C1^- -H2O系中Co(Ⅱ)的溶解规律,通过计算绘制了热力学平衡图,揭示了体系中各物质的平衡浓度与氨水浓度和氯离子浓度之间的关系。结果表明,在该体系中唯一存在的固相物质为Co(OH)2(s),试验验证了热力学计算结果,两者之间的偏差仅为10.13%。
The dissolution law of Co(Ⅱ) complex in quilibrium method (mass equilibrium and electro plotted via calculation. The relationship between Co(Ⅱ)-NH3-C1^- -H2O system was studied with double e-ibrium). Thermodynamic diagrams were equilibrium concentration of each tion of ammonia and chloride ion was revealed. The results show that Co(OH)2(s) is phase in the system. The theoretic calculation is verified via experiment. The err calculation and experiment is as low as 10.13%. species and the only exi or between eoncentra-sting solid-theoretical