为提升采用CO2气体作为灭弧介质的高压断路器大电流开断能力,对真空间隙与CO2气体间隙串联开断过程进行研究。通过建立12 k V真空间隙与72.5 k V CO2气体间隙组成的串联间隙电弧黑盒模型,分析两间隙承担暂态恢复电压起始时刻不同时两间隙协同作用关系;研究两间隙并联分压电容对间隙间电压分布特性的影响;对比串联间隙与单一气体间隙开断性能的差异。仿真结果表明:真空间隙先承担恢复电压有利于CO2气体间隙介质强度快速恢复,真空间隙提前15~30μs承担恢复电压时串联间隙表现出较好的协同开断效果;两间隙在不同时刻承担恢复电压时设置合适的分压电容可优化间隙间的恢复电压分布特性。CO2气体间隙串联真空间隙后可提升其大电流开断能力,为环保型高压断路器设计提供可借鉴方法。
The high-current interruption of the advanced high-voltage circuit breaker,withthevacuum and CO2 gaps connected in series,was mathematically modeled,theoretically analyzed,numerically simulated with software EMTP-ATP and experimentally evaluated. The influence of the timing sequence of the transient recovery voltages(TRV) applied across the two gaps on their cooperation and interaction characteristics,as well as the dependence of the TRV across the gaps on the parallel-connected voltage-dividing capacitors were investigated. The simulated results show that the recovery of CO2 dielectric behavior is faster when the TRV is applied earlier across the vacuum gap than across the CO2 gap,and that the timing of the TRVs across the gaps can be optimized with the voltage-dividing capacitors. A 15 ~ 30 μs delay results in a considerable improvement of the circuit breaker 's performance. We found that the circuit breaker withthevacuum / CO2 gaps outperforms that with CO2 gap only.