目的:比较功能性肠病便秘患者和腹泻患者以及肠癌患者的穴位敏化出现部位,并对敏化穴位的大小进行比较判断。方法:采用电子Von Fray测定了功能性肠病、肠癌以及健康受试者的与胃肠疾病相关的13个穴位及其周围1寸、2寸、同神经节段的参照点的压痛阈值,并和穴位异神经节段的参照点进行比较,获得穴位的相对压痛阈值,再和健康志愿者的相对压痛阈值进行比较,分析功能性肠病和肠癌患者体表相关穴位压痛阈的变化和敏化面积的变化。结果:3组患者的足三里,上巨虚,下巨虚,曲池等穴位,其压痛阈值显著低于健康受试者组,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05),出现穴位的敏化。其中以足三里,上巨虚,下巨虚三穴的敏化范围扩大,在旁开2寸处,仍出现显著痛敏,和健康受试者的痛阈值有比较,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。曲池穴的穴位敏化范围主要集中在旁开1寸区域,和健康受试者比较痛阈显著下降,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05),而在旁开2寸处压痛阈值没有明显变化,差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。肠癌组的大肠俞,阴陵泉两穴出现显著的穴位敏化和敏化范围的扩大,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05),而功能性肠病患者的此二穴痛阈值没有显著变化。结论:功能性肠病和肠癌患者在足三里,上巨虚,下巨虚出现穴位敏化和面积增大,此外肠癌患者在曲池,大肠俞及阴陵泉出现穴位压敏和面积扩大。
Objective: To observe the pressure pain threshold( PPT) of acupoints and its sensitivity of patients with intestinal cancer and functional bowel disease by electronic von fray. Methods: PPT was detected on 13 acupoint related to intestinal disorders,1cun,2 cun beside the acupioints and the hemosegement points among the patients of intestinal cancer( IC),functional constipation( FC),functional diarrhea( FD) and compared those with those of the normal control group( Con). The control points were on the heterosegement. The results showed that the PPTs of acupoints ST 36,ST 37,ST39,and its adjacency 1 cun,2 cun beside those acupioints of IC,FC,FD groups are significantly lower compared with the Con group( P 0. 05),though with high sensitivity. Meanwhile,the LI11 still markedly sensitized( P 0. 05) around 1 cun of the acupoint,but PPT is lower than the control group( P 0. 05). For IC group,the PPTs of SP9 and BL25 increased significantly( P 0. 05) around 2 cun of the acu-points,but this did not occur in FC or FD groups. The results indicated that acupoints include ST36,ST37,ST39,and LI11 in IC,FC,and FD groups became more sensitive with a wider area. Besides,for IC patients,BL25 and SP9 were also sensitized with a wider area.