面向QoS路由问题,设计了一种基于遗传算法和蚁群算法融合的QoS路由算法(QoS routing algorithm according to the combination of the genetic algorithm and ant colony algorithm,GAACO_QoS)。利用遗传算法生成初始解,将其转换为蚁群算法所需的信息素初值,然后利用蚁群算法求取最优解。设置遗传算法控制函数来控制遗传算法和蚁群算法融合的适当时机。通过与遗传算法以及蚁群算法的比较,进一步说明算法的有效性。
For the QoS routing problem, this paper designed a QoS routing algorithm according to the comb/nation of the genetic algorithm and ant colony algorithm( GAACO QoS). Taking advantage of genetic algorithm was used to produce the original results, they were transformed into the initial pheromones value needed by ant colony algorithm, then ant colony algorithm to get the best results. The definition of the genetic algorithm control function was to control the appropriate combination opportunity of the two algorithms. The validity of the algorithm was illuminated when compared to the genetic algorithm and the ant colony 'algorithm.