经全龄人工饲料育累代定向选择,建立了吴江野桑蚕人工饲料适应性品系。该品系人工饲料育第5代2龄起蚕率比第1代提高44.9%,全龄经过缩短5~10 d,结茧率、化蛾率分别提高29.6%、24.8%,显示出良好的选育效果;但该品系的卵质有所下降。
The adaptive line of Wujiang Bombyx mandarina Moore adapting to artificial diet was established by directional selection for many generations of artificial diet rearing. Compared with the first generation, the newly molted silkworm ratio of the second instar of the fifth generation increased by 44. 9% while the duration of all instars was shortened by 5 ~10 d. Its cocooning rate and percentage of emergence increased by 29. 6% and 24.8%, respectively, while the egg quality decreased a little.