DONOHO D L,ELADM等人分别利用矩阵的相干性和sparkη(A)的性质证明了(p0^Ъ)问题的稳定性定理。本研究首先通过反例指出ELADM的证明过程存在错误,其次利用sparkη(A)和矩阵奇异值的性质重新证明(P0^Ъ)问题的稳定性定理。
Donoho D L and Elad M proved stability theorem of problem ( P0^Ъ ) by using the properties of matrix's mutualcoherence and sparkη (A) respectively. Counter-example was used to show that there were some mistakes in Elad M's proof, and then stability theorem of problem ( Po ) was reproved by using the properties of sparkη (A) and the singular value of matrix.