The current recommendation algorithms are unable to identify outlier and weak-contribution-rate samples, and single modelalgorithms show poor generalization ability, which seriously affect the quality of recommendation. To solve these problems, an im-proved method named Recommendation method of Multi-Model Combination based on the Cascaded Filtering is presented. This meth-od firstly uses cascade regression model to filter out outlier and weak-contribution-rate samples. Then the recommendation problem isabstracted into two-category and regression problems, respectively, the random forest algorithm based on bagging and gradient boostingregression trees based on boosting, logistic regression algorithm are used to fit the user's interest. Finally, several models of each algo-rithm are trained for linear fusion to do Top-N recommendation. The experiments demonstrate this method not only improves the accu-racy of recommendation, but also enhances the model generalization ability, and has a strong practical value.