The spatial characteristics of public service supply and the factors influencing this supply in cities in Sichuan Province was exam/ned by using a spatial-autocorrelation model based on statistical data of Sichuan in 2012. The results demonstrated that different types of public service presented different spatial autocorrelation patterns. Although the spatial differences in basic public services were relatively small, there was a clear fan-shaped spillover from Chengdu City to the east. The clustering of advanced public services was high, showing a typical core-periphery pattern. Post-earthquake reconstruction was clustered in the "5 · 12 Wenchuan earthquake" region and spilled over towards cities in the east. The efficiency of public services in the mountainous area of western Sichuan was low and exhibits a pattern of low-low spatial autocorrelation. The efficiency of public service supply was 'affected by economic, political and geographical factors. Based on the results of this analysis, we recommend a supply strategy that incorporates different types of public services and a specialized public service supply strategy for mountainous areas.